- Gola of the project was the development of a market entry strategey for distributed generation.
- Clarity about the most technology and markets for the client as well as the most attractive target segments (products, customer industries, regions) gained through:
- Numerous in-depth interviews with current and potential customers and other market participants.
- Testing and evaluating the client’s core competencies (current and realistically expandable) for success with distributed generation.
- Assessing the competency gap and steps needed to close it.
- Identify market size, market growth, pricing trends, future regulatory uncertainties, … per segment.
- Clarity on customer requirements in the focus segments.
- Stringent business model for each of the focus segments described according to 5 dimensions: strategic rationale, USP, market access, process model, financial potential.
- Summary of the key financial data of the business models in an overarching financial model (P&L, short balance sheet, HR plan).
- Defined and executed concrete steps to fill necessary positions.
- Moderated the board decision to kick-off the market entry into distributed generation.